
★11월 정기토익 LC정답★

niceguyTM 2008. 11. 23. 19:09


★11월 정기토익 LC정답 업데이트★ 
문제 번호는 순서가 다를 수 있으니 문제를 기억하셔서 맞춰보세요!  
PART 1 1~10  업데이트 완료

PART 2 11~40  업데이트 완료
PART 3 41~70   업데이트 완료
PART 4 71~100   업데이트 완료



★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 1★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

1. 남녀가 도서관에서 책 한 권을 함께 보고 있는 사진
They are looking at a book.

2. 한 여자가 전화를 하고 있는 사진
She is talking on the telephone.

3. 한 남자가 슈퍼마켓에서 장을 보고 있는 사진
He is shopping for groceries.

4. 여자 두 명이 서로 악수하고 있는 사진
Two women are greeting each other.

5. 한 여자가 자로 땅의 길이를 측정하고 있는 사진
A woman is taking a measurement.

6. 식당 테이블에 손님이 메뉴를 보고 있는 사진
The menus are provided for diners.

7. 공사장 인부들이 공사장에서 일하고 있는 사진
They are working at a construction site.

8. 여러 용기들이 진열대에 나열되어 있는 사진
Containers are arranged in a row.

9. 호숫가의 테이블에 의자가 기대어 놓여 있는 사진
The chairs are leaning against the tables.

10. 버스에서 내리는 손님들을 기사가 저쪽방향으로 안내하는 사진
  People are directed away from the bus.


출처: 해커스토익 http://www.Hackers.co.kr


★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 2★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


11. How many people will attend the dinner?
Around fifteen

12. What did you and Ms. Nissan talk about?
My work schedule.

13. Who are the other members of your team?
Susan and John.

14. Did you go to budget meeting yesterday?
No, it was canceled.

15. When is Ms. Jones usually in the office?
She works on Mondays and Tuesdays.

16. Who will be driving you to your doctor’s appointment?
My friend’s taking me.

17. Why have our electrical costs gone up so much?
Energy is more expensive now.

18. How long did you live in Singapore?
About six years.

19. Are there more pens in the cabinet?
Yes, I just got some.

20. He was a magazine editor, wasn’t he?
Yes, I think so.

21. Why don’t we continue working on this project tomorrow?
Actually, today is the deadline.

22. Where should I park the car?
In the shed, if possible.

23. Where’s the next phase of the research going to begin?
It’ll start within the next month.

24. Where should I put the shipment of machine parts that just arrived?
In the storeroom.

25. Who’s giving the sales presentation?
I think it’s Shannon.

26. Are there any extra teacups?
In the cupboard over the sink.

27. Would you like my tickets to the theater on Sunday afternoon?
Thanks! That’s so generous of you.

28. Aren’t those the keys to the laboratory?
Yes, I’ve been looking for them all morning.

29. Could you take a look at my report now, or are you too busy?
No, I have a few minutes.

30. The phone in the conference room isn’t working.
Call the technician.

31. Isn’t Joan going to file these client folders?
They’re not ready for filing yet.

32. Why are all the windows closed?
A storm is coming.

33. In what currency should payments be made?
In Australian dollars.

34. Let’s go to the Italian restaurant on Main Street.
That sounds good.  

35. That’s a restricted area, isn’t it?
I have authorization to enter.

36. Do I need my coat today, or is a sweater OK?
It’s pretty warm.

37. Why don’t you take Broad Street?
It’s closed for repair.

38. We need to register for the online workshop.
Thanks for reminding me.

39. Why has the board reorganized our firm?
To make us more efficient.

40. I have to leave early tomorrow for a dental appointment.
I can take notes at the meeting for you.


출처: 해커스토익 http://www.Hackers.co.kr

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 3★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


41. What are the speakers discussing?
  Entertaining visitors

42. Where is the woman planning to go?
  To the art museum

43. Why is the man not able to come on Saturday?
  He is traveling to New York.

44. What has the man already done?
  Read the user manual

45. What is the problem with the copier?
  It will not print on two sides.

46. What does the woman offer to do?
  Send a repairperson


47. Why did the woman call the man?
  To make a dinner reservation

48. What is the woman concerned?
  The traffic will be heavy.

49. What does the man ask the woman?
  The name of her company

50. Where do the speakers probably work?
  At a residential building

51. What does the woman ask the man?
  Make a repair

52. What does the woman say she will do?
  Make a telephone call


53. What does the woman tell the man?
  His assignment is going to change.

54. What is the vice president working on?
  Internet project

55. Why does the man thank the woman?
  For recommending him to the vice president.

56. Where most likely are the speakers?
  At a bank

57. What does the man want to do?
  Close an account

58. What does the man says he will do next week?
  Move to a new home.


59. When is the woman's appointment?
 At 4:30 p.m.

60. Why is the woman still at the office?
 She has not completed her work.

61. What does the man offer the woman?
 Print out copies of work


62. Where does the conversation take place?
 At a factory

63. What is the problem?
 A part of equipment is broken.

64. What is supposed to happen tomorrow morning?
 An order will be shipped.

65. What is the woman calling about?
 Summer internship

66. What does the man recommend?
 Checking an online job list

67. What does the man tell the woman?
 She may have been missed the deadline.

68. Why does the woman contact the man?
 To find out if her car is ready

69. What is the woman concerned about?
 How to get to the meeting

70. What does the man offer the woman?
 Provide a rental vehicle


출처: 해커스토익 http://www.Hackers.co.kr

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 4★★★★★★★★★★★★★★



71. What does Mayumi Toshiba work in?

72. What accomplishments of Mayumi Toshiba is mentioned?
She won an award

73. What is Mayumi Toshiba planning to do?
Teach at the university

74. What did Mr. Hunter apply for?
A loan

75. What does the speaker say about Mr. Hunter’s application?
It is being reviewed

76. How can Mr. Hunter check the status of his application?
By visiting a Web Site

77. Why is the woman calling?
To ask for advice

78. What does the woman’s client want to do?
Revise some plans

79. According to the speaker, what has Jim done in the past?
Worked with her client

80. Who most likely is the speaker?
A news reporter

81. According to the speaker, what will the Eagle Airlines do in the future?
Buy additional airplanes

82. Where is the headquarters for the Eagle Airlines?
In London

83. What did Mr. Suzuki order?
Computer equipment

84. When will the order arrive?
On Friday

85. What does the speaker give Mr. Suzuki?
Free delivery service

86. What is the purpose of the talk?
To welcome people to a conference

87. What does the speaker remind listeners to do?
Go to an information booth

88. Where will tonight’s event be held?
In the ballroom

89. Where does the talk probably take place?
At the software company

90. What does the speaker offer the audience?
Reduced prices

91. How can more information be obtained?
By going to a internet site


92. What was announced by the city planning committee?
An approval of a construction work

93. What are the business owners concerned about?
Increased traffic problem

94. According to the speaker, what will happen next week?
The city planning committee will held the public meeting.


95. Where is the talk taking place?
In a theater

96. According to the speaker, what change has been made from last year?
The event will be held two places.

97. Who is Mr. **?
A movie director

98. What is the subject of the message?
A factory inspection

99. What does the speaker mention?
A sign is not visible.

100. What does the man say about Mr. Ying?
He will return next week.






출처: 해커스토익 http://www.Hackers.co.kr