"우리는 그렇게 서두를 필요가 없어요."
=> We don't need to be in such a rush.
예) M : I think it would benefit Net Technologies to use than advertising in newspapers.
W : I agree with you on that, but I still think we need to do newspaper advertising.
M : Well, we are a software and Internet technology firm, and what better way to advertise what we do than to advertise it online?
W : Okay, I'll study the matter, but we don't need to be in such a rush.
"없는 것 보다 낫다만."
=> It's better than nothing.
" 저 택시운전사가 화가 나 있네요."
=> The taxi driver is pretty hot under the collar.
A: (저 택시운전사가 화가 나 있네요.) Something traumatic must have happened.
B: He’d better get a hold of himself or he might blow a gasket.
A: I know his job causes stress, but he needs to get a grip. He should take a deep breath.
B: Right. It does nobody any good to have a short fuse.
A: That taxi driver is pretty hot under the collar. 저 택시운전사가 화가 나 있네요. 불쾌한 일이 있었나 봐요.
B: 그는 감정을 억제해야 해요. 그렇지 않으면 폭발할 거예요.
A: 그의 직업이 스트레스가 쌓이는 직업이라는 건 알고 있지만 그는 참아야 할 필요가 있어요. 그는 심호흡을 한번 해볼 필요가 있겠는데요.
B: 맞아. 화를 내서 좋을 건 없지.
[Additional Expressions]
* taxi driver – cab driver
* pretty – really / quite
* hot under the collar – irate / angry / steamed
* traumatic – upsetting / big-time
* happened – gone down / occurred
* get a hold of himself – control himself / calm down / take a chill pill
* He might blow a gasket. – He could have an aneurism. / He might give himself a heart attack.
* job – work / line of work / type of job
* causes stress – gives him stress / can give a lot of stress
* get a grip – wise up / get control
* take a deep breath – count to ten / breathe easy
* Right. – True. / Exactly.
* It does nobody any good – It doesn’t benefit anyone / It’s no
출처 : YBM & 해커스 학습메일