
2009년 2월 13일 생활영어

niceguyTM 2009. 2. 13. 08:41

   " 이번 주말 계획이 어떻게 되나요?"

   => What are your plans for this weekend?

   예) W : How about you, John? What are your plans for this weekend?
        M : I'll be working the entire time.
        W : John, you work so hard. I'm sure the company is pleased to have you as an employee.
        M : Well, it's just for this weekend. I have a bit of work to do on a new technology I'm proposing.


   " Monkey Around "

   => 이 표현은 학생이 하라는 공부는 안하고 빈둥빈둥 놀기만 할 때 혹은 누구에게 뭔가 물었는데 대답은 안하고 쓸데없는 소리만 할 때 등등 일처리가 느리고 시간을 허비할 때 쓰이는 표현이다.
      또한, 깊은 관계까지 맺을 정도로 누구와 교제한다는 의미도 갖고 있다.
      cf) mess around


   " 그게 우리가 할 일이야."

   => We owe it to ourselves.


A: Let’s start getting our thoughts geared toward a vacation. 그게 우리가 할 일이야.

B: We’re kind of pinching pennies right now. The timing might not be right.

A: We don’t have to do anything extravagant. Let’s keep it simple.

B: Simple sounds “right” to me. Let’s look into renting a small cabin somewhere.

A: 휴가에 대해 생각 좀 해보자. We owe it to ourselves.

B: 지금 우린 허리띠를 졸라매야 한다구. 시기가 좋지 않은 것 같아.

A: 낭비를 하자는 게 아니야. 그냥 간단하게 가자구.

B: 간단하게 가자는 말이 그럴듯하게 들리는 걸. 어디 조그만 오두막 하나 빌리는 걸 알아보자.

[Additional Expressions]

* start – begin / get going on / get busy with

* getting our thoughts geared toward – thinking about / planning

* vacation – trip / family holiday

* We owe it to ourselves. – We deserve it. / We’ve got it coming.

* kind of – sort of / a little bit

* pinching pennies – saving money / being frugal / in the non-spending mode

* right now – at the present / these days

* The timing might not be right. – It might not be the best time. / Now’s not the time.

* extravagant – big / crazy / wild / outlandish

* Let’s keep it simple. – Let’s do something easy and simple.

* sounds “right” – seems like the right idea / is best

* look into – check out / find out about / do some research on

* renting – borrowing


출처 : YBM & 해커스 학습메일