Smell a rat 의 어언과 뜻은 무엇입니까?
=> 별 신임을 받지 못하는 동물인 rat이 의미하는 말은 traitor(배신자)입니다. 우리말에서도 의리없는 사람을 생쥐 같은 놈이라고 하죠.
그럼, Smell a rat? 쥐 냄새를 맡다? 즉, '의심스럽다'의 뜻이되겠죠. 다시 말해서 to be suspicious, feel that something is wrong의 의미라고 할 수 있죠.
활용 예
-> Every time Harry visits me, ones of my ash trays disappear. I'm begginning to smell a rat.
(해리가 방문할 때 마다 재떨이가 하나씩 없어졌다. 난 그를 의심하기 시작했다.)
"용기가 필요하지."
=> It takes guts.
A: Being a police officer has got to be a tough job. I really respect them.
B: No doubt about that. They lay their lives on the line, time after time.
A: They never know when they might run into a psycho.
B: It’s not only that. They have to handle all kinds of junk.
[Additional Expressions]
* Being a police officer – Working as a cop / Having a job as an officer of the law
* has got to be – must be / is sure to be / has got to be
* a tough job – a hard job / a very difficult form of employment
* I really respect them. – I have a great deal of respect for them.
* No doubt about that. – That goes without saying.
* They lay their lives on the line – They put themselves in harm’s way
* time after time – again and again / over and over
* They never know – Nobody can say / Only God knows
* might - could
* run into – meet / come across
* psycho – nut / crazy person / loony-toon
* It takes guts. – It takes a lot of courage. / They must be brave.
* It’s not only that. – That’s not the only thing. / That’s not all.
* handle – take care of / deal with / face
* all kinds of junk – so many bad situations
A: 경찰은 힘든 직업이야. 난 정말 그들이 존경스러워.
B: 당연하지. 그들은 자주 자신들의 목숨을 걸고 일을 하는 걸.
A: 그들은 언제 사이코를 만나게 될지를 모르니까. It takes guts.
B: 그것만이 아니야. 모든 시시한 일들까지 처리해야 하잖아.
[Additional Expressions]
* Being a police officer – Working as a cop / Having a job as an officer of the law
* has got to be – must be / is sure to be / has got to be
* a tough job – a hard job / a very difficult form of employment
* I really respect them. – I have a great deal of respect for them.
* No doubt about that. – That goes without saying.
* They lay their lives on the line – They put themselves in harm’s way
* time after time – again and again / over and over
* They never know – Nobody can say / Only God knows
* might - could
* run into – meet / come across
* psycho – nut / crazy person / loony-toon
* It takes guts. – It takes a lot of courage. / They must be brave.
* It’s not only that. – That’s not the only thing. / That’s not all.
* handle – take care of / deal with / face
* all kinds of junk – so many bad situations
"이 기계가 하루 종일 골치거리네요."
=> This machine has been giving me problems all day.
예) M : This machime has been giving me problems all day.
W : What's the matter?
M : Well, I can't figure out what's wrong with it. I've checked the manual, and everything looks okay to me.
W : Let me take a look at it. On second thought, maybe it would be best to call a technition.
출처 : YBM 학습메일, 해커스