
2009년 3월 18일 생활영어

niceguyTM 2009. 3. 18. 09:35

   " 비가 올 확률이 60퍼센트에요. "

   => There's a sixty percent chance of rain.

   예) M : Wow, look at those dark clouds building up on the horizen. Are we expecting to have rain today?
        W : There's a sixty percent chance of rain.
        M : Then I'm going to get wet going home. I didn't bring an umbrella.
        W : I have two. I can lend you one.


   " cut the mustard 의 뜻은? "

   => 바라던 대로 , 그 이상의 성과를 올리다

      예) He really cut the mustard. ( 그는 기대대로 사업에 성공했다. )

     cf ))))) as keen as mustard => (겨자의 매운 맛을 빗대어) 매우 열심이다.

                a grain of mustard seed => (한 알의 작은 씨. 즉,) 크게 발전할 가능성을 내포하고 있는 작은 일


   " 입이 심심해, 뭔가 먹고 싶어. "

   => I've got the munchies. Big Time.

A: (입이 심심해, 뭔가 먹고 싶어)  Do you ever get the irrepressible craving for junk food?
B: Do I ever! It usually hits me late at night. That’s the worst time for it.
A: Same here. So do you give in or what? I’m not very good at resisting.
B: Drinking water helps. It fills you up so you’re not hungry. It’s worth a try.


A: I’ve got the munchies, big time. 당신을 못견딜정도로 군것질 하고 싶은적 있나요?
B:당연하지요. 특히 밤늦게 뭔가 먹고 싶어지긴해요. 군것질하기엔 가장 안 좋은 시간대지요.
A:맞아요. 그래서 당신은 먹나요 아니면 어떻게 하나요? 난 전혀 못 참겠어요.
B: 물을 마시는게 좋아요. 배를 부르게 해줘서 배고픔을 느끼지 않게 해줘요. 한번 해보세요.

[Additional Expressions]
* I’ve got the munchies – I’m so hungry / I need to get something to eat
* big time – right now / in a big way
* get the irrepressible craving – feel really hungry / have a strong desire
* Do I ever! – Absolutely! / You know it! / And how! / You bet!
* hits me – comes to me / gets me / sneaks up on me
* late at night – long into the night / way after bedtime
* Same here. – Same for me. / I’m that way too.
* give in – surrender / concede / do it
* resisting – controlling myself / saying “no”
* helps – can help / does the trick / is a good thing
* fills you up – makes you full / fills the emptiness you feel
* you’re not hungry – you don’t feel the craving
* It’s worth a try. – it might work for you too. / Give it a shot.


출처 : 해커스 & YBM 학습메일