" 정말 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요. "
=> I had a great time.
예) M : I had a great time.
W : Well, I'm glad you did. And thanks so much for coming over..... So, I'll see you at the office on Monday.
M : I'm so happy there's whole weekend ahead of us.
W : Me, too. Have a good one!
" 호기심이 화근이야. "
=> Curiosty killed the cat.
A: What is our purpose for being here? Have you ever wondered what it’s all about?
B: (호기심이 화근이야.) Some mysteries are better left to not knowing.
A: Not for me. I’m an inquisitive person. I’ve gotta know.
B: The point of a mystery is to keep you wondering. Life’s just a big, fun puzzle.
A:여기 온 목적이 뭐니? 무슨 일인지 궁금해 했잖아.
B: Curiosity killed the cat. 어떤 미스터리는 모르는게 나을 수도 있다구.
A:나는 그렇지 않아. 난 호기심이 많은 사람이라서 알아야 겠어.
B:미스터리란건 너를 계속 궁금하게 만드는 거라구. 인생이란 커다랗고 재미있는 수수께끼와 같잖아.
[Additional Expressions]
* What is our purpose for being here? – What’s the meaning of life? / Why are we here?
* Have you ever wondered – Have you ever given serious consideration to
* what it’s all about – the meaning of life / the reason for living
* Curiosity killed the cat. – Don’t ask too many questions. / Take it for what it is.
* better left to not knowing – better left alone / better remaining as “unknowns”
* Not for me. – Not in my book. / Not as far as I’m concerned.
* an inquisitive person – a curious kind of person / naturally questioning
* I’ve gotta know. – I must know. / It’s important for me to have my questions answered.
* point – objective / main purpose
* keep you wondering – leave you guessing / give you something to ponder over
* Life’s just a big, fun puzzle. – Life is a mystery. / Living life is like a fun game.
출처 : 해커스 & YBM 학습메일