Today's MAXIM Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. 그대는 정녕 삶을 사랑하는가? 그렇다면 시간을 낭비하지 말라; 시간이란 삶이 만들어지는 원료이기 때문이다. - 벤자민 프랭클린 (미국 정치가) - etc... 2010.07.09
오늘의 토익_20100709 1. The chief engineer insists that the main engine system altered because of the safety issue. (A) are (B) have (C) be (D) has 2. To allow for greater between workers from different departments, management devised working groups containing people from many different teams. (A) interaction (B) interacted (C) interactive (D) interacts ===============================================================.. English 2010.07.09
Today's MAXIM Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 일찍 자고 일찍 일어나면 건강해질 수도 있고, 부유해질 수도 있고, 지혜로워 질 수도 있다. - 벤자민 프랭클린 (미국 정치가) - etc... 2010.07.08
오늘의 토익_20100708 1. Dear Colleague: You are invited to attend the Global Bio-tech Conference to be held at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, from July 14 to 18. This is the 8th annual conference, and we hope you will find the people you meet and the ideas you share rewarding and stimulating. We are happy to offer the Global Bio-tech Conference year a.this b.these c.that d.those 2. with the of the Uni.. English 2010.07.08
Today's MAXIM An empty bag connot stand upright. 빈 자루는 똑바로 설 수 없다. - 벤자민 플랭클린 (미국 정치가) - etc... 2010.07.06
오늘의 토익_20100706 1. In recent years, oil has failed to keep up with rapidly growing demand. a.product b.production c.produce d.products 2. Our company experienced high last year. a.grow b.grown c.growth d.growing 3. The new maintains our office records system. a.assisted b.assistive c.assists d.assistant ====================================================================================== 문제 1. [요점] oil이 주어가 된다.. English 2010.07.06
오늘의 토익_20100705 1. With a 15 percent in sales over the last quarter, Circuit Appliances is undergoing fast growth. (A) increase (B) to increase (C) increases (D) increased 2. Rather than inviting expensive IT instructors from outside of the company, the IT manager trained himself. (A) anyone (B) everyone (C) ourselves (D) themselves ===============================================================================.. English 2010.07.05
Today's MAXIM The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach. 인생의 비극이란, 목표를 달성하지 못한 것에 있는것이 아니다. 인생의 목표가 없다는 것이 비극이다. - 벤자민 엘리야 메이스 (미국 목사, 교육자) - etc... 2010.07.05
Today's MAXIM We are all born for love; it is the principle of existence and its only end. 우리는 모두 사랑을 위해 태어났고, 그것이 바로 존재의 원칙이자 유일한 목적이다. - 벤자민 디즈렐리 (영국 정치가) - etc... 2010.07.03
오늘의 토익_20100702 1. One of the of librarians is to shelve books. (A) responsible (B) responsibility (C) responsibilities (D) responsibly 2. Jackie and Ron decided to leave the company to start a business of . (A) them (B) theirs (C) themselves (D) their own ============================================================================================ 문제 1. 해석 : 사서들의 임무 중 하나는 책을 선반에 정렬하는 것이다. 해설 : [명사 문제] 관사 the와 전.. English 2010.07.02