★★★★★★★ PART 5★★★★★★★
101. Mr. A should (receive) the updated file ~
102. AA Inc. will be (providing) free lunch ~
103. Before A and B moved to ~, both of (them) had been ~
104. Ms. A’s assistant was given ~ task of restocking closet with office (supplies)
105. Either A (or) B will be in the office ~
106. Our online service (allows) you to ~
107. ~seminar was especially (useful) to new employees~
108. Mr. A announced retirement (after) 16years of ~ service
109. ~~, to produce goods more (efficiently)
110. Since~, A had been devoting more (time) to volunteer activities.
111.~ must be filled in (completely) and signed ~
112. ~ states that safety goggles and ~ must (always) be worn on~
113. ~idea of ~ was (her) own rather than A’s
114. ~ she have no (scheduled) travel ~
115. ~will be unavailable (for) the next 2 hours
116.~, even in (particularly) stressful ~
117. ~ guarantees (delivery) of your document ~
118. cost for ~ (covers) registration and accommodation
119. Thanks for careful (planning), ~
120 . It is (advisable) to ~
121. The Smooth-~ to spread paint more (evenly) ~.
122. The owner ~ was (pleased) to receive ~.
123. Mr. Y has been highly (recommended) for ~.
125. Please contact ~ (as soon as) you access ~ morning.
126. S Company (grants) employees an extra ~.
127~ a hotel manager is (available) at the front desk ~.
128. One of the (responsibilities) of the chemists ~.
129. After months of (negotiations), ~ sponsor ~.
130. ~ Mr. Lee has shown (himself) to be ~.
131. has decided to (implement) a more rigorous ~.
132. (Because) this is a secure project, ~.
133. Some (merchandize) displayed~.
134. The success ~is (dependent) on the effort, ~.
135. ~ instructions posted (beside) the factory entrance.
136. ~please greet them (personally) to ~.
137. ~, (confirming) its plans to expand into South Asia.
138. ~use company (facilities) such as ~.
139. (To promote) research in biotechnology, ~
140. ~the region’s high agricultural (output).
출처: 해커스 토익 http://www.Hackers.co.kr
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 6★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
[141-143] memo
141. All employees are eligible to (attend).
142. (Although) there is no charge, ~
143. Sign up today for this (remarkable) series ~.
[144-146] letter
144. ~ recovered a (forgotten) user password ~
145. We (contact) customers ~.
146. To (continue) enjoying ~
[147-149] notice
147. employers from (around) the great adamstown area ~
148. ~ to dress (professionally) ~
149. Many (applicants) possess ~.
[150-152] information
150. ~ be disposed of (properly).
151. To address those (issues), ~
152. ~ that (participates) in ~.
출처: 해커스 토익 http://www.Hackers.co.kr
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 7★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
[153-154] 광고
153. Ms. D-는 누구일 것 같나?
154. Ms. D-에 대해 무엇을 알 수 있나?
스페인에서 일한다.
155. Manila가구점에 대해 언급된 것은?
b) 장소변경
156. advertisement에서 알 수 있는 것은?
d) 새로운 가게가 open하기 전에 세일이 끝난다
157. warehouse management 직급에서 필요한 조건은?
a) finance에 관한 지식
158. 밤에 일하는 것(night shift)이 필요 없는 직급은?
b) Circulation specialists
159. 지원자들이 직급에 지원하는 방법은?
b) 편지를 통해서
160. memo의 목적은?
a) 회의장소와 관련된 변경을 설명하기 위하여
161. memo에서 제안하는 것은?
c) Ms. Mills에게 연락하기
162. 팜플랫은 누구를 위해 쓰여졌는가?
163. 팜플랫에 따르면, 어디서 맨 처음 버스에 탑승하는가?
Greenbluffs 역
164. 6살 아이의 티켓은 얼마인가?
165. 편지의 목적은 무엇인가?
일자리를 제안하려고
166. 편지에 따르면, Ms.M에 대한 사실인 것은?
그녀는 많은 교육 경력이 있다.
167. 아카데미에서 가르치지 않는 댄스 수업은?
사교 댄스
168. 메모가 쓰여진 이유는?
특별한 행사를 알리려고
169. 직원들은 Ms ueda에게 어떻게 연락하면 되는가?
이메일을 써서
170. 피크닉은 언제인가?
171. 4월 11일에 무슨 일이 있나?
[172-175] 기사
172. 기사는 주로 무엇을 다루고 있나?
직원들의 적절한 행동에 관한 책
173. 기사에 따르면, 회사가 여는 이벤트에 대해 Mr. S-가 권유하는 것은 무엇인가?
이벤트 동안, 직원들은 거의 마주치지 않는 동료들과 얘기해야 한다.
174. Mr. S-에 대해 무엇을 알 수 있나?
매우 성공한 심리학자이다.
175. M-W는 무슨 사업하는 곳인가?
[176-180] 편지
176. 편지의 목적은 뭘까?
개선사항에 대한 정보 제공
177. Ms. G-에 대해 무엇을 알 수 있나?
전에 목재를 구입한 적이 있다.
178. 편지에서 왜 Ms. G를 V- W-사의 웹사이트에 오라 그러나?
점포의 위치를 얻으라고
179. 편지에선 B- location에 대해 뭐라 그러나?
V- W-의 공급처와 더 가깝다.
180. 편지에 따르면,7월에 V- W-에서 일어날 일이 아닌 건?
수입목재의 가격을 할인해 줄 것이다.
[181-185] 광고와 양식
181. 누구를 대상으로 하는 광고?
Business owners
182. 세미나에 대해 추론되지 않는 것은?
차례로(in sequence) 들어야 한다.
183. 회계 주제는 언제 논의되나?
October 12
184. Mr. ~는 세미나에 얼마를 지불할 것인가?
109 파운드
185. Mr. ~는 무슨 세미나에 등록하고 있나?
작은 회사를 위한 Human Resources
[186-190] Work record and e-mail
186. Ms. ~에 대해 암시되는 것은?
매일 30분씩 점심 시간을 가졌다.
187. Ms. ~가 work hours를 잘못 기록한 날은?
188. Ms. Johnson은 누구?
M무슨 디자인 회사의 manager
189. “reflect”랑 의미가 가까운 단어?
190. Mr. A는 Ms. ~에게 무엇을 하라고 하는가?
work record를 수정해라
[191-195] 초청장&이메일
191. 누가 7시에 award를 받는가?
192. Continuing ~.에 대해 암시되는 것은?
한 개 도시 이상에 office가 있다
193 시상식 중 몇 시에 pen이 수여되는가?
194. 이메일에서 Marcus가 하기로 offer하는 것은?
선물 주문 confirmation의 사본 제공
195. gifts에 대해 언급되지 않은 것은?
president에 의해 수여된다.
[196-200] 두 개의 이메일
196. Ms. S~는 왜 Mr. ~에게 글을 썼는가?
complaints 조사를 부탁하기 위해
197. Ms. S~는 어느 area에서 일하는가?
제품 development
198. Carson ~에 대해 언급되지 않은 것은?
Europe에 본사가 있다
199. Mr. ~는 Swellfit X23에 대해 뭐라고 하는가?
만들 때 사용된 원료가 durable하지 않다.
200. restricted와 가장 의미가 유사한 것은
[파트 7 영어 버전]
[153-154] Ad
153. Who most likely is Ms. Delgado?
A lawyer
154. What is indicated about Ms. Delgado?
She works in Spain.
155. What is mentioned about Manila Furniture Store?
b) Changing its location
156. What is indicated in the advertisement?
d) The sale will end before the new store opens.
157. What is a requirement for the warehouse management position?
a) Some knowledge of finance.
158. What position does Not require night shifts?
b) Circulation specialists
159. How should applicants apply for the positions?
b) by mail
160. What is the purpose of the memo?
a) to describe a change in the meeting area
161. What course of the action is suggested in the memo?
c) contacting Ms. Mills
162. For whom is the brochure most likely intended?
163. According to the brochure, where will people first board the bus?
At the Greenbluffs station
164. How much is a ticket for 6-year-old?
165. What is the purpose of the letter?
To make an offer of employment
166. According to the letter, what is true about Ms. M?
She has much teaching experience
167. What dance classes are NOT taught in the Academy?
168. Why was the memo written?
To announce a special series of event
169. How are staff asked to contact Ms. Ueda?
By sending e-mail
170. When is the picnic?
On Wednesday
171. What will take place on April 11
Award ceremony
[172-175] Article
172. What does the article primarily discuss?
A book about appropriate behavior for employees
173. According to the article, what is one of Mr. Silva’s recommendations about company-sponsored events?
During events, employees should talk to coworkers they rarely encounter.
174. What is suggested about Mr. Silva?
He is a very successful psychologist.
175. What type of business does Marshall-Walsh specialize in?
Book publishing
[176-180] Letter
176. What is the purpose of the letter?
To provide information on improvements
177. What is implied about Ms. G-?
She has purchased limber before.
178. Why does the letter invite Ms. G- to visit the V- W-’s website?
To get directions to the store.
179. What does the letter say about Bayerston location?
It is closer to V- W-’s suppliers.
180. According to the letter, what is NOT going to happen at V- W- in July?
Prices for imported limber will be discounted.
[181-185] advertisement & form
181. For who is the advertisement probably intended?
Business owners
182. What is NOT suggested about the seminars?
They must be taken in sequence.
183. When will the topic of accounting be discussed?
October 12
184. How much will Mr. Donohue pay for the seminar?
185. What seminar is Mr. Donohue registering?
Human Resources for Small Companies
[186-190] Work record and e-mail
186. What does the information in the work record suggest about Ms. Austin?
She had half an hour every day for lunch.
187. According to the e-mail, for what day did Ms. Austin incorrectly record her work hours?
188. Who most likely is Ms. Johnson?
A manager at Madeline Lewis Architectural Design
189. The word “reflect”
190. What does Mr. Hernandez ask Ms. Austin to do?
Make changes to her work record
[191-195] invitation & e-mail
191. Who will receive an award at 7:00?
192. What is suggested about Continuing ~.?
It has offices in more than one city.
193 At what time during the ceremony will the pens be presented?
7:30 P.M.
194. In the e-mail, what does Marcus offer to do?
Provide a copy of the gifts order confirmation
195. What is NOT stated about the gifts?
It will be presented by the president.
[196-200] e-mails
196. Why Ms. S~ write to Mr. ~?
To ask him investigate complaints
197. In what area does Ms. S~ work?
product development
198. What is NOT stated about Carson ~?
It has been headquartered in Europe.
199. What does Mr. ~ note about Swellfit X23?
Its material that it is made of is not durable.
200. In the second e-mail, ~“restricted” is closest meaning to
출처: 해커스 토익 http://www.Hackers.co.kr