
2009년 2월 25일 생활영어

niceguyTM 2009. 2. 25. 08:31

   " 그가 도움이 되는 결과를 낼 거라고 확신해요. "

   => I'm sure he'll have some helpful outcomes.

   예) M : I'm ready to begin my presentation.
        W : Is everything you need already set up?
        M : Yes, Mrs. Rodrigquez. Ms. Brown and I made presentation. I think I'll start now.
        W : I'm sure he'll have some helpful outcomes.


   " 딱지를 떼이다. "

   => get a ticket이라고 하면 됩니다.
       ticket은 train ticket, air ticket, one-way ticket에서와 같이 '승차권'이라는 뜻으로 많이 쓰이고, movie ticket, concert ticket처럼 '입장권'이라는 뜻으로도 쓰이지만 '교통 위반 딱지'라는 말도 됩니다.
        그래서 '속도 위반 딱지'는 speeding ticket, ticket for speeding, '주차위반 딱지'는 parking ticket, ticket for parking이라고 합니다. 

   예) A: Why such a long face, Tom?
       B: I got a ticket for speeding.

       A: 톰, 왜 그렇게 시무룩한 표정을 짓고 있는 거야?
         B: 속도 위반으로 딱지를 떼였거든.


" 괜찮아 질거야. "

   => That's the way to go.

   예) A: I’m wracked with pain. I twisted my back. I’ve got a knot in it the size of Kansas.
       B: Hot tea, heating pads and pain killers; (그러면 괜찮아 질거야.) Trust me.
       A: How does the tea help? Is that some kind of Zen thing? I need something that really works.
       B: You scoff now, but tea works as a great muscle relaxant. Try it. You’ll like it.

: 아파 죽겠어. 등이 뒤틀리는 것 같아. 꼭 캔자스만한 혹이 있는거 같아.
   B: 따뜻한 차를 마시고, 찜질하고, 진통제를 먹어봐. that’s the way to go. 날 믿어.
   A: 차가 어떻게 도움이 되는데? 젠같은거 말이야? 난 정말 효과가 있는게 필요하다구.
   B: 지금은 우습게 들리겠지만, 차가 근육을 이완시키는데 효과가 좋아. 마셔봐. 좋을거라구.

[Additional Expressions]
* wracked with pain – in immense pain / suffering great pain
* I twisted my back. – I threw my back out. / I hurt my back.
* knot – tight spot / cramp
* the size of Kansas – that is so huge / that is just killing me
* pain killers – pain pills / medication
* that’s the way to go – that’s the best way to fix it
* Trust me. – Believe me. / I know what I’m talking about.
* How does the tea help? – What good is the tea? / What good does the tea do?
* Is that some kind of Zen thing? – Is it related to some sort of religious experience?
* really works – will really help me / will be very effective
* scoff now – laugh now / make fun of me now / don’t believe me now
* works – is great / does the job
* Try it. – Give it a try. / Give it a shot.


출처 : YBM & 해커스 학습메일