
2009년 4월 15일 생활영어

niceguyTM 2009. 4. 15. 17:01
   " 당신이 그것을 무척 기다려 온 것을 알고 있어요. "

   => I know you've been looking forward it.

   예) W : I'm making a traditional turkey dinner for Thanksgiving.
        M : I know you've been looking forward to it. I'm just wondering how you're going to finished all that turkey.
        W : You're going to help me.
        M : That's fine. I don't mind leftover(남은, 남은 음식, 찌꺼기) Turky.


   " hi-five라고 하던데 무슨 뜻인가요? "

   => 대체로 좋은일이 있을때 축하할일 있을때 손바닥을 들어 마주치면서 "high-five"를 외칩니다만 "축하해줘" 라는 뜻으로 "Give me five"하면서 high-five를 하기도 합니다.

선생님이나 스쿨 버스 운전사가 손바닥을 아래로 내리고 있으면, 아이들이 하나씩 손바닥을 치고 지나가는데...이때는 low-five(사전에는 없는 만들어낸 구어)로서 인사의 의미를 갖습니다.


   " 내 몸과 정신이 편안해져. "

   => I'm in tune with my soul

A: Practicing Yoga has turned my life around. It’s hard to put into words.
B: How so? I thought you were just stretching and meditating. I didn’t think it was a big deal.
A: My entire body and spirit feel mellow and relaxed. (내 몸과 정신이 편안해져.)
B: Not too many people can say that, I’ll give you that. Keep at it!


A:요가가 내 생활을 바꾸어놓았어. 뭐라 설명하긴 어렵긴 하지만 말야.
B:어떻게? 내 보기엔 너가 그냥 스트레칭하고 명상하는 것 같던데. 그게 그렇게 효과적이란 생각은 안들던데.
A:내 몸과 영혼 전체가 부드럽고 이완되는 걸 느껴. I’m in tune with my soul.
B:대부분한테 그렇게 나타나진 않는 거란 걸 명심해. 열심히 해보렴.

[Additional Expressions]
* Practicing – Doing / Participating in / Taking part in / Being involved in
* turned my life around – changed my life / turned my night into day
* It’s hard to put into words. – It’s not easy to explain. / It’s deeper than it sounds.
* How so? – In what way? / What do you mean? / Try to explain.
* stretching and meditating – working out your body and mind
* I didn’t think it was a big deal. – I didn’t give it much thought.
* entire body – whole body / whole physique
* mellow and relaxed – calm and at peace
* in tune with – at one with / coordinated / in harmony
* Not too many people can say that – Not a lot of folks can make that claim
* I’ll give you that. – That’s much I’ll give you. / I’ll give you credit for that.
* Keep at it! – Don’t quit! / Keep on keeping on!


출처 : 해커스 & YBM 학습메일